01/16/2019 Professor Yang was named one of 2018 Most Cited Chinese Researchers by Elsevier. Many thanks to all our collaborators, group alumni, and current group members.
12/31/2018 Congratulations to Nan Song for graduation. We wish you all the best in your future scientific endeavors, Dr. Song. We will miss you!
10/10/2018 Congratulations to Ming-Xue Wu and Jia-Rui Wu for winning Graduate First Class Scholarship and being named Outstanding Graduate Students at Jilin University, and to our undergraduate student, Yu-Ping Li, for winning National Encouragement Scholarship.
09/24/2018 Congratulations to Nan for the acceptance of her work on pillarene-based fluorescent supramolecular systems in Macromolecular Rapid Communications.
09/20/2018 Our recent Angew. Chem. paper was highlighted in Synfacts by Timothy M. Swager, Yoonseob Kim, Synfacts 2018, 14, 0815. DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1610512 and in Science China Chemistry by Ali Trabolsi, Making Pillar[6]arenes to lean: An art of tuning a supramolecular host! Sci. China Chem. 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11426-018-9362-0, after being selected to be featured as Hot Article by AdvancedScienceNews; Other highlights are but not limited to the followings: JLU Chemistry Department News, Polymer-science (Wechat public platform), jluchemphd (Wechat public platform), XM-ZYL (Wechat public platform)
09/18/2018 Big congratulations to our PhD candidate, Ming-Xue Wu, for winning the 2018 Baosteel Excellent Student Prize by The Baosteel Education Foundation. Only three graduate students from Jilin University got this award in 2018. Well deserved.
09/18/2018 Congratulations to Ming-Xue for the acceptance of her work entitled "Multifunctional Supramolecular Materials Constructed from Polypyrrole@UiO-66 Nanohybrids and Pillararene Nanovalves for Targeted Chemophotothermal Therapy" in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Nice job.
08/06/2018 Congratulations to Xin-Yue for the publication of her review article entitled "Manipulating Aggregation-Induced Emission with Supramolecular Macrocycles" in Advanced Optical Materials.
06/14/2018 Congratulations to Ming-Xue Wu (Grand Prize) and Xu-Sheng Du (Third Prize) for winning the 32nd Graduate "Elite Cup" Academic Award at JLU.
06/08/2018 Congratulations to Jia-Rui for the acceptance of his paper entitled "Desymmetrized Leaning Pillar[6]arene" in Angewandte Chemie. Well done! We made 100 peer-reviewed publications at Jilin University. Cheers.
04/27/2018 Congratulations to Nan for the acceptance of her first-authored paper entitled "Molecular Scale Porous Materials Based on Pillar[n]arenes" in Chem. This is a collaborated work with Professor Tomoki Ogoshi group for the first decade of pillararene chemistry. Well done! Cheers.
03/06/2018 Congratulations to Xi and Zheng for the acceptance of their Conjugated Macrocycle Polymer Materials paper in Advanced Materials. Well done! Cheers.
02/15/2018 Our recent work on multi-stimuli responsive Fe3O4@MOF core-shell theranostic nanoplatform installed with pillar[6]arene nanovalves has been accepted for publication in Small. Congratulations to Ming-Xue and all collaborators.
02/12/2018 Our recent paper in Chinese Chemical Letters was just turned into an Elsevier News Story by Elsevier, see: Carbon-based frameworks for chemical control by Andrew Scott, a science writer (http://andrewrscott.blogspot.co.uk).
Note: "Out of thousands of papers submitted to our Chemistry journals at Elsevier, we only single out a few papers per year to be turned into news stories that we can share on social media." (Marketing Communications Manager, Sonia Kolasinska). Meanwhile, it was also highlighted by Chinese Chemical Letters Wechat Platform. -
01/26/2018 Congratulations to Jia-Rui for the acceptance of his first paper on water-soluble biphenyl-extended pillararene in the European Journal of Organic Chemistry, which has been recently highlighted by ChemBeanGo.
01/19/2018 Congratulations to Professor Ying-Wei Yang on being named one of the 2017 Chinese Most Cited Researchers (in Chemical Engineering) by Elsevier.
01/11/2018 Congratulations to Xing-Huo and Ming-Xue for the acceptance of their nice work on RAFT polymerization of methacrylates catalyzed by nanoflowers-shaped biocatalyst in Macromolecules.
11/17/2017 Congratulations to Professor Ying-Wei Yang for being selected for the Jilin University Talents Cultivation Program.
11/17/2017 Congratulations to Professor Ying-Wei Yang for being awarded as one of the Jilin Provincial Outstanding Innovative Talents by Jilin Provincial Human Resource & Social Security Department.
11/14/2017 Congratulations to Prof. Ying-Wei Yang on being named one of the world's most highly cited researchers in Chemistry for 2017. Clarivate Analytics announced the publication of its annual Highly Cited Researchers ("Ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and publication year in Web of Science, Highly Cited Researchers are leading the way in solving the world's biggest challenges"). This year, 3,300 researchers, in 21 fields of the sciences and social sciences, were featured in the newest listing of 2017 Highly Cited Researchers. Please refer to Clarivate.com for more information, including a video on "What does it mean to be Highly Cited?", the 2017-Highly-Cited-Researchers-Report, and the 2017 HCR list. For a list of Chinese HCR in Chemistry and Materials, please refer to the Link. Two professors at Jilin University were among the list, please also see JLU News for additional information in Chinese.
11/06/2017 Congratulations to our undergraduate student, Zheng LI, for the acceptance of her first-authored paper on POP materials in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Well done.
10/15/2017 Congratulations to our fifth year PhD student, Nan Song, for winning the Committee 100 Leadership Scholarship (15,000 CNY). Well deserved!
10/10/2017 Welcome our joint graduate students, Hao Zhang (from Wuhan University of Science and Technology), Xiang-Shuai Li (from JLU Heping Campus), Xu-Ze Guan (from Tianjin University), Xing-Huo Wang (from JLU North Campus), and undergraduate student, Yu-Peng Li, for joining our group. You will enjoy your stay in the Yang group.
09/28/2017 Congratulations to our undergraduate student, Xin-Yue, for the acceptance of her first-authored paper entitled "Responsive Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Systems in Supramolecular Macrocyclic Chemistry" in Molecules.
08/18/2017 Big congrats to our group alumni, Dr. Hui Li (currently an assistant professor at Changchun University of Technology) and Dr. Li-Li Tan (currently an associate professor at Northwestern Polytechnical University) for receiving the funding support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
07/25/2017 Congratulations to Ming-Zhe and Prof. Yan Wang for the publication of the dual-stimuli-responsive fluorescent supramolecular polymer based on diselenium-bridged pillarene and TPE derivative in Macromolecules. Nice work.
07/04/2016 Our invited Personal Account entitled “Polymer Nanoassembly as Delivery Systems and Anti-Bacterial Toolbox: From PGMAs to MSN@PGMAs” was published in The Chemical Record, which summarized our effort in polymer science during the past five years. Congrats to Ming-Xue and Xin. Well done.
06/03/2017 Glad to see the final outcome of our collaboration with Prof. Wei Zhang’s group at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, the publication of pillar[n]arene-based SOFs for highly selective hydrocarbon storage and high-performance methane purification membranes in Chemical Communications and Journal of Membrane Science. Congratulations to our joint PhD exchange student, Li-Li Tan.
05/10/2017 Congratulations to Xin Wang (Second Prize) and Ming-Xue Wu (Third Prize) for winning the 31st Graduate "Elite Cup" Academic Award at JLU.
04/13/2017 Congratulations to Xu-Sheng for the publication of the pillar[5]arene-based [1]rotaxane work in Chemical Communications.
03/31/2017 Congratulations to Jie Yang for passing the doctoral entrance exam and interview. Welcome to join us.
03/09/2017 Our joint paper with Prof. Hui Gao's research group entitled "construction of supramolecular nanoassembly for responsive bacterial elimination and effective bacterial detection" was published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
03/08/2017 Welcome Chen-Yue Zhang, Qian Li, Fan Yang, Xue-Qi Zhao, and Jia-Yu Li, five undergraduate researchers, to join our group.
02/26/2017 Professor Yang attended by invitation the International Symposium on Visionary Trends in Molecular Science on Feb 24-26, 2017 at Tianjin University, and had a big celebration for Sir Fraser Stoddart winning the Nobel Prize and his 75th birthday, together with many Stoddart group alumni and the Stoddart family & friends.
01/23/2017 Professor Yang attended the Scottish Symposium at Northwestern University, USA, organized by Sir Fraser Stoddart on Jan 23, 2017, and enjoyed the wonderful talks by Bruce Turnbull, Jonathan Sessler, David Fulton, Paul McGonigal, Eric Anslyn, Eleanor Campbell, Bruce Gibb, Steve Whitelam, Ross Forgan, Andrew Ferguson, Douglas Philp, Stuart Rowan, and Tom Muir.
12/21/2016 Ming-Xue’s first paper in the group entitled “metal−organic frameworks (MOFs)-based drug/cargo delivery and cancer therapy” was accepted for publication in Advanced Materials. Congratulations. Well done.
12/12/2016 Congratulations to CuhaWijay, Rafik, Qian, Yue, and Kamel for the publication of our joint review article entitled “biological and related applications of pillar[n]arenes” in Chemical Communications.
11/25/2016 Congratulations to Xin Wang for winning the KWIN Scholarship (6000 CNY) (by Jiangsu KWIN Group).
11/17/2016 Congratulations to Sir Fraser Stoddart! Fraser Shares the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Sauvage and Feringa - For more information go to the Nobel Foundation website.
11/02/2016 Congratulations to Xin for the acceptance of her first research paper entitled “smart mesoporous silica nanoparticles gated by pillararene-modified gold nanoparticles for on-demand cargo release” for publication in Chemical Communications.
10/31/2016 Congratulations to Bo Gao, Xin Wang, Ming-Zhe Lv, and Ming-Xue Wu for winning Graduate First Class Scholarship and Outstanding Graduate Student at Jilin University.
08/08/2016 Congratulations to Hang for landing a job at CATL and to Li-Li for her Associate Professorship at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an.
08/02/2016 Congratulations to Hang, Xin, and Jun for the publication of our joint paper entitled “Surface Immobilization of pH-Responsive Polymer Brushes on Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles by Enzyme Mimetic Catalytic ATRP for Controlled Cargo Release” in Polymers.
06/17/2016 Congratulations to Hao Yu and Ke Li for their recent successful thesis defense (BS Degree)! Wish you a bright future at UIUC, USA.
06/15/2016 Congratulations to Li-Li Tan (First Prize) and Ming-Xue Wu (Third Prize) for winning the 30th Graduate "Elite Cup" Academic Award at JLU.
06/14/2016 Congratulations to Li-Li Tan, Hang Zhou, and Ting Zhou for their recent successful thesis defense (Doctoral Degree for Li-Li and Hang, and Master Degree for Ting)! We will miss you!
04/25/2016 Congratulations to Li-Li Tan and Ting Zhou for naming Outstanding PhD/MS Graduates in a row!
03/12/2016 Professor Yang was invited by Professor Tomoki Ogoshi to attend the First International Symposium on Center of Excellence Innovative Material Sciences Based on Supramolecules at Kanazawa University, Japan on March 9-12, 2015, and gave an invited lecture entitled “Supramolecular Functional Systems Based on Pillararenes – Supramolecular Assembly Induced Emission Enhancement” on March 10, 2016.
02/08/2016 Congratulations to Hang, Xin, and Jun for the acceptance of the joint manuscript entitled “Tuning the growth, crosslinking, and gating effect of disulfide-containing PGMAs on the surfaces of mesoporous silica nanoparticles for redox/pH dual-controlled cargo release” for publication in Polymer Chemistry as a Front Cover article.
12/27/2015 Congratulations to Li-Li Tan for winning the CASC Scholarship (10000 CNY).
12/26/2015 Congratulations to Li-Li Tan for winning First Prize in the 8th JLU Doctoral Student Forum.
12/20/2015 Professor Yang was invited to attend the International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem 2015) in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA on December 15-20, 2015, and gave one invited talk entitled “Supramolecular Assembly Induced Emission Enhancement in Pillarene Chemistry” at the Aggregation Induced Emission: Materials and Applications (#444) Symposia, and another invited talk entitled “Pillar[n]arene-Based Supramolecular Organic Frameworks for Highly Selective Sorption and Separation of CO2 and C2H2” at the Frontiers of Organic Porous Materials: Structures, Properties and Applications (#223) Symposia. Graduate students, Li-Li Tan and Nan Song, also attended the conference and gave poster presentations.
12/03/2015 Congratulations to Qing-Lan, Hang, Xin for the acceptance of the joint paper entitled “pH and Glutathione Dual-Responsive Dynamic Cross-Linked Supramolecular Network on Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Controlled Anticancer Drug Release” for publication in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.
11/23/2015 Congratulations to Li-Li and Nan for the acceptance of the paper entitled “Ca2+, pH and thermo triple-responsive mechanized Zr-based MOFs for on-command drug release in bone diseases” for publication in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
10/15/2015 Congratulations to Li-Li Tan for winning the Committee 100 Leadership Scholarship (1500 USD).
10/13/2015 Congratulations to Nan Song and Li-Li Tan for winning Graduate First Class Scholarship and Outstanding Graduate Student, and Ting Zhou for winning Graduate Second Class Scholarship at Jilin University.
10/10/2015 Big congratulations to Professor Yang, Hui Li, and Li-Li Tan for winning the Jilin Provincial Natural Science Academic Achievement Award (Second Prize).
09/20/2015 Nan Song and Ting Zhou attended the 11th National Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry at Qinghua University, Beijing, China, on September 17-20, 2015, and gave poster presentations.
07/30/2015 Prof. Yang delivered an invited talk entitled "Organic Functional Systems Based on Pillarenes and Calixarenes" during the 9th National Organic Chemistry Conference in Changchun on Thursday July 30, 2015.
07/27/2015 Our research group successful hosted the 5th National Conference on Pillararenes at Jilin University, Changchun on July 26-27, 2015. Thanks to the guests and friends coming from different universities and research institutes nationwide.
07/06/2015 Prof. Yang attended the 13th International Conference on Calixarenes (Calix2015) in Giardini Naxos, Italy, and delivered an invited lecture entitled "Sulfonatocalixarenes and Carboxylatopillarenes on Surfaces" during the conference on Monday July 6, 2015.
06/26/2015 Congratulations to Meng-Chan Xia for winning “Best Undergraduate Thesis” at JLU.
06/17/2015 Congratulations to Meng-Chan Xia, Xin Wang, Xi Li, Xiao-Yu Jin, Ming-Zhe Lv, and Shuo Lin for their recent successful thesis defense (BS Degree)! Wish you a bright future.
06/16/2015 Our newly graduated student, Dr. Hui Li, just signed a contract with Changchun University of Technology. She will start her independent research as an Assistant Professor there very soon. Please join me in congratulating her and wishing her the best in her future scientific endeavours.
06/15/2015 Congratulations to Li-Li Tan (Grand Prize), Nan Song (Second Prize), Qing-Lan Li (Second Prize), and Ting Zhou (Third Prize) for winning the 29th Graduate "Elite Cup" Academic Award at JLU.
06/06/2015 Professor Yang was invited to attend 1st CCL Symposium on the Frontiers of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Tianjin, China on June 5-7, 2015, and delivered an invited talk entitled “Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Based on Macrocyclic Arenes” on June 6, 2015.
05/29/2015 Congratulations to Hui Li, Qing-Lan Li, and Yue Zhou for their successful thesis defense (Doctoral Degree for Hui and Master Degrees for Yue and Qing-Lan), and for naming Outstanding PhD/MS Graduates in a row! We will miss you!
05/21/2015 Professor Yang was invited to give an invited lecture entitled "Supramolecular Functional Systems Based on Macrocyclic Arenes" at Tianjin University of Technology on May 21, 2015.
05/20/2015 Professor Yang was invited to attend 2015 Symposium on the Frontiers of Organic Supramolecular Chemistry at Nankai University in Tianjin, China on May 20-21, 2015, and delivered an invited talk entitled “Supramolecular Nanovalves Based on Macrocyclic Receptors” on May 20, 2015.
05/18/2015 Professor Yang was invited to attend The 2nd International Symposium on AIE at South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, China on May 15-18, 2015, and delivered an invited talk entitled “Supramolecular Assembly Induced Emission Enhancement in Pillarene Chemistry” on Monday May 18, 2015.
04/28/2015 Congratulations to Li-Li and Yue for the acceptance of the paper entitled “Zn 2+ -Triggered Drug Release from Biocompatible Zirconium MOFs Equipped with Supramolecular Gates” for publication in Small.
04/09/2015 Nan's article entitled "Molecular and Supramolecular Switches on Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles" has been accepted for publication in Chemical Society Reviews, and was selected to be featured as "Front Cover". Congratulations!
03/25/2015 Our Chemical Science paper entitled "Stimuli-Responsive Metal-Organic Frameworks Gated by Pillar[5]arene Supramolecular Switches" was highlighted by Nature Chemistry. See: Thomas Faust, Nanomedicine: MOFs delivery. Nature Chemistry, 2015, 7, 270-271. doi: 10.1038/nchem.2229
02/27/2015 Professor Yang visited Prof. Lei Fang, Hong-Cai Zhou, Karen Wooley, and Wenshe Liu at TAMU, College Station, and Prof. Jonathan Sessler at UT Austin during Jan 28 to Feb 27, 2015, and initiated research collaborations there.
02/16/2015 Our Chemical Science paper entitled "Stimuli-Responsive Metal-Organic Frameworks Gated by Pillar[5]arene Supramolecular Switches" was selected and featured as journal Front Cover.
12/31/2014 Congratulations to Qing-Lan Li for winning the KWIN Scholarship (6000 CNY) (by Jiangsu KWIN Group).
12/24/2014 Congratulations to Li-Li Tan for the acceptance of the manuscript entitled "Stimuli-Responsive Metal-Organic Frameworks Gated by Pillar[5]arene Supramolecular Switches" for publication in Chemical Science. Well done!
12/23/2014 Prof. Yang was invited to attend JLU-SGP Joint Scientific Symposium on Nano/Micro Materials at Jilin University on December 22-23, 2014, and delivered an invited talk.
12/15/2014 Prof. Yang was invited to attend the 8th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC8) at the National University of Singapore on December 14-17, 2014. He delivered an invited talk entitled "Supramolecular Functional Systems Based on Pillarenes" on Monday December 15, 2014.
12/15/2014 Congratulations to Nan Song and Li-Li Tan for winning the "National Graduate Scholarship" (20,000 CNY and 30,000 CNY, respectively).
12/02/2014 Our recent Chemistry of Materials paper entitled "Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Coated by Layer-by-Layer Self-assembly Using Cucurbit[7]uril for in Vitro and in Vivo Anticancer Drug Release" has been highlighted by Chemistry Views, Wiley-VCH, See: Smart Drug Carriers from Silica.
11/30/2014 Chinese Journal of Chemistry paper entitled "Carboxylatopillarene-Modified Reduced Graphene Oxides with High Water Dispersibility for Fluorescent Dye Sensing" has been highlighted by Chemistry Views, Wiley-VCH, See: Graphene Sensor for Auqueous Solutions
11/24/2014 Prof. Fujian Xu from Beijing University of Chemical Technology visited our lab on November 24, 2014 and gave a lecture entitled at JLU.
11/22/2014 Prof. Yang attended the 4th National Conference on Pillararenes at South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, on November 21-22, 2014. Prof. Yang gave an invited talk entitled "Pillarene-Based Organic Functional Materials".
11/12/2014 November 09-12, 2014, Professor Yang attended the 4th International Conference on Molecular Sensors and Molecular Logic Gates (MSMLG2014) in Shanghai and delivered a talk entitled "Supramolecular Switches in Hybrid Nanomaterials". Our poster (Nan Song, Bo Gao and Professor Yang as authors) entitled "Pillarene-Based Materials with Fluorescent Enhancement Properties" won the best poster award.
11/03/2014 Jilin University TV - Interview with the Yang Research Group. http://tv.jlu.edu.cn/a/20141103/A4414.html
10/31/2014 Prof. Tomoki Ogoshi from Kanazawa University, Japan, visited our lab on October 29-31, 2014 and gave an invited lecture entitled "Pillararenes: Easy-to-Make and Versatile Receptors for Supramolecular Chemistry" at JLU.
10/29/2014 Congratulations to Nan SONG for the acceptance of the manuscript entitled "Supramolecular Assembly-Induced Yellow Emission of 9,10-Distyrylanthracene Bridged Bis(pillar[5]arene)s" for publication in Chemical Communications. Well done! This paper will be included in the ChemComm Emerging Investigators Issue 2015.
10/21/2014 Congratulations to Qing-Lan and Yu-Long for the acceptance of the paper entitled "Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Coated by Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly Using Cucurbit[7]uril for in Vitro and in Vivo Anticancer Drug Release" for publication in Chemistry of Materials (ACS).
10/18/2014 Our JACS paper entitled "Viologen-Mediated Assembly of and Sensing with Carboxylatopillar[5]arene-Modified Gold Nanoparticles” (JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2013, 135(4) : 1570-1576), collaborated with Prof. Paul Weiss at UCLA, was selected as one of the “Top 100 Most Cited Chinese Papers Published in International Journals in 2013” by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC).
10/09/2014 Congratulations to Nan Song (Graduate), Yu-Chen Qiu (Undergraduate) and Bo-Cheng Cao (Undergraduate) for winning the Evonik Scholarship.
09/22/2014 Congratulations to Qing-Lan Li and Nan Song for winning Graduate First Class Scholarship and Outstanding Graduate Student, Yue Zhou and Ting Zhou for winning Graduate Second Class Scholarship at Jilin University and Outstanding Graduate Student, and Hui Li for winning Graduate Second Class Scholarship at Jilin University.
08/29/2014 Prof. Yang was invited and gave a plenary lecture during the Chinese Chemical Society The 17th National Symposium on Macrocyclic Chemistry & The 9th National Symposium on Supramolecular Chemistry (MC&SM 2014) in Yanji on Aug 25-28, 2014. Xi-Long Qiu and Nan Song gave two poster presentations, and Nan's poster was awarded the Best Poster Presentation Award. Congratulations.
08/07/2014 Welcome Dr. Kamel Meguellati to join our team to start his independent scietific career as an assistant profssor.
08/07/2014 Prof. Ying-Wei Yang was appointed as the Executive Director of the International Joint Research Laboratory of Nano-Micro Architecture Chemistry (NMAC) at Jilin University on August 7, 2014.
07/18/2014 Prof. Ying-Wei Yang has been elected as the President of the Young Chemistry Faculty Association at Jilin University.
07/13/2014 Prof. Jiaxing Huang from Northwestern University, USA, visited our lab on July 12-14, 2014 and gave an invited lecture entitled "Soft Carbon Sheets: Some Curiosities Driven Discoveries" at JLU.
07/07/2014 Our Chem. Sci. paper has been highlighted by ACS Noteworthy Chemistry. See: Guide drug delivery with near-infrared light.
07/01/2014 Congratulations to Kai for the acceptance of the paper entitled "Ditopic Pillar[5]arene- Based Fluorescent Enhancement Material Mediated by [c2]Daisy Chain Formation" for publication in Chemical Communications.
06/30/2014 Congratulations to Li-Li for the acceptance of the paper entitled "Pillar[5]arene-Based Supramolecular Organic Frameworks for Highly Selective Carbon Dioxide Capture at Ambient Conditions" for publication in Advanced Materials.
06/30/2014 Prof. Lei Fang from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA, visited our lab on June 29, 2014 to July 1, 2014 and gave an invited lecture entitled "On the molecular engineering of polymers for artificial muscles, electronics, and photovoltaics" at JLU.
06/18/2014 Congratulations to Dai-Xiong Chen for naming Outstanding MS Graduates!
06/18/2014 Congratulations to Kai Wang and Dai-Xiong Chen for their recent successful thesis defense (Doctoral Degree for Kai and Master Degree for Dai-Xiong) and landing their new jobs! We will miss you!
06/17/2014 Congratulations to Hui Li (Second Prize), Qing-Lan Li (Second Prize), and Yue Zhou (Second Prize) for winning the 28th Graduate "Elite Cup" Academic Award at JLU.
06/17/2014 Congratulations to Pei-Xi Wang, Jian-Yu Liu, Xiao-He Li, Qi-Ming Bing and Si-Jie Du for their recent successful thesis defense (BS Degree)! Wish you a bright future.
06/11/2014 Prof. Yang, Li-Li Tan and Nan Song attended the 9th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC-9) in Shanghai, and gave five poster presentations on June 7-11, 2014. Meanwhile, Fraser Stoddart Group Alumni reunion was also taken place during the conference.
06/06/2014 Professor Ying-Wei Yang was invited to serve as an Associate Editor for Nanocontainers, Walter de Gruyter.
06/04/2014 Congratulations to Nan and Dai-Xiong for the acceptance of the article entitled "Stimuli-Responsive Blue Fluorescent Supramolecular Polymers Based on a Pillar[5]arene Tetramer" for publication in Chemical Communications. Well done!
06/02/2014 Prof. Ognjen Miljanić from University of Houston, Texas, USA, visited our lab.
05/16/2014 Congratulations to Qing-Lan for the acceptance of the Feature Article entitled "Self-Assembly and Applications of Poly(Glycidyl Methacrylate)s and Their Derivatives" for publication in Chemical Communications.
05/01/2014 Big congratulations to our collaborators, Sir Fraser Stoddart on being elected a member of the prestigious U.S. National Academy of Sciences and Prof. Paul Weiss on being elected a Fellow of the prestigious U.S. American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS).
04/24/2014 Our recent work on "Stimuli-Responsive Biocompatible Nanovalve Based on β-Cyclodextrin Modified Poly(Glycidyl Methacrylate)" published in Polymer Chemistry has been selected as 'paper of the week' on the Polymer Chemistry blog. Congratulations to Qing-Lan.
03/28/2014 Prof. Kimoon Kim, Director of the Center for Self-assembly and Complexity, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), and Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea, visited our lab.
03/21/2014 Congratulations to Hui Li for winning the Langchao Scholarship (by Inspur Group, Co., Ltd.).
03/16/2014 Congratulations to Hui Li for the acceptance of the paper entitled "Near-Infrared Light-Responsive Supramolecular Nanovalve Based on Mesoporous Silica-Coated Gold Nanorods" for publication in Chemical Science.
03/07/2014 Congratulations to Prof. Yang for the acceptance of the paper entitled "Switchable Host-Guest Systems on Surfaces" in Acc. Chem. Res.
02/26/2014 Professor Yang visited Prof. Ken Cham-Fai at Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, and Professors Fraser Stoddart and Jiaxing Huang at Northwestern University, USA in February 2014.
02/18/2014 Professor Yang was invited to serve as an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports, a journal from Nature Publishing Group.
02/17/2014 Our recent ChemComm paper entitled "Efficient Inhibition of Human Papillomavirus 16 L1 Pentamer Formation by a Carboxylatopillarene and a p-Sulfonatocalixarene" collaborated with Prof. Yuqing Wu's group has been highlighted by Helen Bache in RSC Magazine Chemistry World, see article: Small molecules stop cervical cancer virus assembling.
01/31/2014 Congratulations to Qing-Lan for the acceptance of the work on "Stimuli-Responsive Biocompatible Nanovalve Based on β-Cyclodextrin Modified Poly(Glycidyl Methacrylate)" for publication in Polymer Chemistry.
01/30/2014 Congratulations! Our first paper of "Efficient Inhibition of Human Papillomavirus 16 L1 Pentamer Formation by a Carboxylatopillarene and a p-Sulfonatocalixarene" collaborated with Prof. Yuqing Wu's group has been accepted for publication in Chemical Communications.
01/23/2014 Congratulations to Yue Zhou for the acceptance of the work on “Acetylcholine-Triggered Cargo Release from Supramolecular Nanovalves Based on Different Macrocyclic Receptors” by Chemistry - A European Journal!
01/20/2014 Congratulations to Li-Li for the publication of the pillarene work entitled “Selective Recognition of “Solvent” Molecules in Solution and the Solid State by 1,4-Dimethoxy-pillar[5]arene Driven by Attractive Forces” in New Journal of Chemistry!
12/08/2013 Congratulations to Yu-Long for winning First Prize in the 6th JLU Doctoral Student Forum.
12/02/2013 Prof. Yang and our graduate students, Nan SONG and Ting ZHOU, attended the 3rd National Conference on Pillararenes at Fudan University, Shanghai, on December 1-2, 2013. Prof. Yang gave an invited talk and the two graduate students presented their posters.
11/18/2013 Congratulations to Hui Li, Kai Wang and Dai-Xiong Chen for winning the "National Graduate Scholarship" (30,000 CNY, 30,000 CNY and 20,000 CNY, respectively). We are proud of you guys.
11/18/2013 Prof. Yang delivered an invited talk entitled "Cucurbituril-Based Mechanized Nanoparticles for Controlled Cargo Release" during the The 3rd International Conference on Cucurbituril (ICCB2013) in UNSW Canberra, Australia on November 18, 2013.
11/01/2013 Our MedChemComm paper “Towards Biocompatible Nanovalves Based on Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles” is selected to be presented in the special Themed Collection “2013 Cancer Nanotechnology Collection (66 articles in total)” by Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) from publications across the RSC journal portfolio demonstrating “the use of (nano)technology in the diagnosis, imaging and treatment of cancer”. Cheers!
10/25/2013 Welcome Xi-Long Qiu for joining our group.
10/17/2013 Prof. Yang delivered an invited talk entitled "Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Based on Supramolecular Macrocyclic Hosts" during the 8th National Organic Chemistry Conference in Chongqing on October 17, 2013.
10/16/2013 Congratulations to Kai Wang for winning the Best Poster Presentation Award in the 2013 National Polymer Conference of China, Shanghai, China, October 12-16, 2013.
09/18/2013 Congratulations to Yue Zhou for winning the Best Poster Presentation Award in the 10th National Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Hefei, China, September 12-15, 2013.
09/18/2013 Congratulations to Kai Wang for the acceptance of the “Electrospun Nanofibers and Multi-responsiveSupramolecular Assemblies Constructed from a Pillar[5]arene-Based Receptor” work by Chemical Communications!
09/14/2013 Prof. Yang delivered an invited talk entitled "Pillararene-Based Hybrid Materials" during the 10th National Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry in Hefei on September 14, 2013.
08/26/2013 Congratulations to Dai-Xiong for winning Graduate First Class Scholarship and outstanding graduate student, and Li-Li for winning Graduate Second Class Scholarship at Jilin University.
08/12/2013 Prof. Yang visited Professors Lei Fang, Hongcai Joe Zhou, Jonathan Sessler and Guihua Yu at Texas A&M University, College Station and University of Texas, Austin, in August, 2013.
08/07/2013 Congratulations to Yu-Long, Yue, and Qing-Lan for the acceptance of the work on Sulfonatocalix[4]arene-Choline [2]Pseudorotaxanes Based Enzyme-Responsive Supramolecular Nanovalves for publication in Chemical Communications. Good job.
07/17/2013 Prof. Yang delivered a plenary talk entitled "Pillararene-Based Hybrid Materials" during the 12th International Conference on Calixarenes (Calix 12) at the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada on July 17, 2013.
07/10/2013 Prof. Yang delivered an invited talk entitled "Biocompatible Supramolecular Nanovalves for Controlled Cargo Release" during the 8th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC-8) in Arlington, VA, United States on July 10, 2013.
05/29/2013 Congratulations to Yu-Long for winning the "National Graduate Scholarship" (30,000 CNY) , and Hui Li (Grand Prize) and Yu-Long Sun (Third Prize) for winning the 27th Graduate "Elite Cup" Academic Award at JLU.
04/01/2013 Welcome Nan SONG and Ting ZHOU for joining our group
03/04/2013 Congratulations to Yu-Long, Dai-Xiong and Yue for the acceptance of the work "Mechanized Silica Nanoparticles Based on Pillar[5]arenes for On-Command Cargo Release" for publication in Small.
12/20/2012 Congratulations to Hui, Dai-Xiong, Yu-Long and Li-Li for the publication of the work of "Viologen-Mediated Assembly of and Sensing with Carboxylatopillar[5]arene-Modified Au Nanoparticles" in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! Good Job!
11/01/2012 Prof. Yang delivered an invited talk entitled "Pillararene-Based Functional Systems – Switchable Host-Guest Systems on Surfaces" during the 2nd Symposium on Pillararene-Based Supramolecular Chemistry in Nanjing on November 1, 2012.
10/29/2012 Prof. Yang delivered an invited talk entitled "Construction of Supramolecular Nanovalves Based on Macrocyclic Receptors" during the 16th National Symposium on Macrocyclic Chemistry & The 8th National Symposium on Supramolecular Chemistry (MC&SM 2012) in Yangzhou on October 29, 2012.
10/24/2012 Prof. Yang delivered an invited talk entitled "Stimuli-Responsive Biocompatible Supramolecular Nanovalves for Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery" during the 11th China International Conference on NanoScience and Technology in Kunming on October 24, 2012.
10/16/2012 Congratulations to Kai Wang for the acceptance of the One-Pot Synthesis of Pillar[n]arenes Catalyzed by Minimum Amount of TfOH and Solution-Phase Mechanistic Study work by Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry! Well Done!
08/31/2012 Congratulations to Yu-Long for winning the best poster presentation award at the 1st national symposium for graduate students in Chemistry at JLU.
08/27/2012 Congratulations to Yu-Long for winning Graduate First Class Scholarship and outstanding graduate student at Jilin University.
08/10/2012 Congratulations to Fraser on his appointment as honorary professor at Jilin University. JLU president, Yuanyuan Li, conferred the certificate on him during a ceremony on Aug 7, 2012. Note: Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart from Northwestern University visited our lab on Aug 6-7, 2012, and gave a lecture entitled "Molecular Switches on Surfaces and in Devices". This is his 2nd visit to our lab.
06/13/2012 Prof. Paul Weiss, editor-in-chief of ACS Nano, director of California NanoSystems Institute, and Prof. Anne Andrews, associate editor of ACS Chemical Neuroscience, both of whom are professors from UCLA, visited our lab.
06/02/2012 Prof. Mitchell A. Winnik from University of Toronto visited our lab, and discussed possible collaboration between our research groups.
05/06/2012 Prof. Sir Fraser Stoddart from Northwestern University visited our lab.
05/03/2012 Congratulations to Yu-Long for the acceptance of the cucurbit[7]uril pseudorotaxane-based photo-responsive supramolecular nanovalve work by Chemistry - A European Journal! Fantastic Job!
05/02/2012 Prof. Daniel Seidel from University of Rutgers visited our lab and attended our group meeting.
03/28/2012 Dr. Yang's review article entitled 'Towards biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles' was amongst the top ten accessed articles from the online version of MedChemComm again in February 2012, It is in top ten six months in a row. Cheers.
03/08/2012 Dr. Yang's recent review article, 'Towards biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles' was amongst the top ten accessed articles from the online version of MedChemComm again in January 2012, It is in top ten five months in a row. Cheers.
02/20/2012 Dr. Yang's recent review article, 'Towards biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles' was amongst the top ten accessed articles from the online version of MedChemComm again in December, 2011, It is in top ten four months in a row.
01/23/2012 Dr. Yang's recent review article, 'Towards biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles' was amongst the top ten accessed articles from the online version of MedChemComm again in November, 2011, It is in top ten three months in a row.
01/17/2012 Dr. Yang's article "'Clicked' fluoropolymer elastomers as robust materials for potential microfluidic device applications" has been identified as a 'HOT article' for Journal of Materials Chemistry, and has been highlighted on JMC blog (http://blogs.rsc.org/jm/).
12/05/2011 Our collaborated work with Prof. Gao's group at Tianjin University of Technology on Polyelectrolyte Complex Nanoparticles of Amino Poly(Glycerol Methacrylate)s and Insulin has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Pharmaceutics.
11/29/2011 Dr. Yang's recent review article, 'Towards biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles' published in MedChemComm was one of the top ten most accessed (monthly) articles in October 2011. It ranks No 1.
11/25/2011 Welcome our graduate student, Hui LI, and undergraduate student, Nan SONG for joining our group.
11/16/2011 Prof. Yang delivered a talk entitled "Towards biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles" during the 7th National Conference of Organic Chemistry in Nanjing on November 14, 2011.
10/28/2011 Our collaborated work with Prof. Gao's group at Tianjin University of Technology on Carboxylated Poly(Glycerol Methacrylate)s for Doxorubicin Delivery has been accepted for publication in European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
10/26/2011 Dr. Yang's recent review article, 'Towards biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles' published in MedChemComm was one of the top ten most accessed (monthly) articles in September, 2011. It ranks the 2nd.
10/24/2011 Prof. Yang's manuscript entitled ""Clicked" Fluoropolymer Elastomers as Robust Materials for Potential Microfluidic Device Application" has been accepted for publication in J. Mater. Chem.
09/13/2011 Prof. Yang joined the Editorial Board of TheScientificWorldJOURNAL as part of the journal's Organic Chemistry Domain. The Impact Factor of the journal is 1.524 according to the 2010 edition of Journal Citation Reports, published by Thomson Reuters in June 2011, This ranks it 13th out of 57 listed journals in the category Multidisciplinary Sciences.
09/09/2011 Dr. Yang's recent review article, 'Towards biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles' has been featured as HOT article and was selected to feature on the MedChemComm blog at http://blogs.rsc.org/md. For details, please refer to the highlight entitled 'Biocompatible nanovalves as smart therapeutics for cancer therapy - A Review' by Dr Marie Cote, Deputy Editor of MedChemComm.
09/01/2011 Welcome Rui Yu for joining our group and doing research together with Yusen Luo.
08/18/2011 Our collaborated work with Prof. Gao's group at Tianjin University of Technology on amino PGMAs for oligonucleic acid delivery with enhanced transfection efficiency and low cytotoxicity has been published on Soft Matter.
08/01/2011 Welcome Kai Wang, Tian-You Qin, Lili Tan for officially joining our group.
08/01/2011 Welcome our graduate students, Yu-Long and Dai-Xiong, for officially joining our group.
07/27/2011 Dr. Yang's comprehensive review article on biocompatible nanovalves based on mesoporous silica nanoparticles has been accepted for publication in Med. Chem. Commun. - a new, peer-reviewed RSC journal publishing medicinal chemistry research.
07/01/2011 Congratulations to our first B.S., Mr. Yu-Long Sun on finishing his undergraduate study at Harbin Univ of Sci. & Tech.!
04/01/2011 Welcome Yu-Long for joining our group to work on his BS thesis. Hope you will be excited to work in the lab and explore new science!
03/28/2011 Welcome our undergrats, Yu-Bin Song, Yi Zhang, Jun-Yan Cui, Yuan-Chao Lv, Jin-Yuan Zhang, Yu Fang for joining our group.
03/23/2011 Welcome our undergrats, Yu-Sen Luo, Su-Qin Hao for joining our group.
02/22/2011 Dr. Yang moved back to China from University of California, USA. He officially accepted the job offer from Jilin University and start working in the State Key Lab of Supramolecular Structure and Materials, College of Chemistry at Jilin University as an associate professor.